I’ve spent the past several weeks feeling troubled. And you all know why.
Fragile men are threatening our daughters' future. I would like to watch them sink.
I don't like some people, but I do like honey bears.
I don't even know what to say at this point.
Warning: this newsletter contains spiders.
Oh look, I did a thing.
My plan for celebrating Chrismas with a bottle of expensive bourbon has gone a rye.
I'll be very careful, don't worry.
This sort of thing happens to me quite a lot.
And also: the people who enthuse about them don't know what they're talking about.
I was watching Saving Private Ryan when I glanced my phone and learned that the American president had declared war on anyone who hates Nazis.
When you get to the baking aisle, the chances are that it’s already been looted.
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